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Selectmen Minutes 09/03/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – September 3, 2009 – 5:30 pm

Present: Chairwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren,
Minutes: Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson
Call to order: Chairwoman Day called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm
5:30 – Diane Boilard – Ms. Boilard was not on the agenda, however she was instructed by the Administrative Assistant that she could come in to review, discuss and have the Board of Selectmen sign a liability agreement.
Discussion followed that this is a very similar situation as was the lot on Higgins Lane.  Whereas, this is a Lane it is not a town maintained road. An agreement releasing the town of all liabilities for the maintenance & care of the road must be signed and recorded at the registry, as was done for the previously mentioned property.
Discussion followed, concerns were voiced and the documents were signed, witnessed, notarized and copied. Ms. Boilard will hand deliver the document to the registry of deeds tomorrow, she will provide the town with a copy of the recorded documents.
6:20 –RSA 91A: 3 II (a) personnel – In accordance with RSA 91A: 3 II (a) motion by Adams to enter into a non-public session to discuss a personnel matter.  Seconded by Day & Kullgren.  Voted 3-0
6:30 – Motion by Day to enter out of the non-public session, Seconded by Adams and Kullgren.
Voted 3-0
Decision:  Selectmen are the supervisors of Foreman Ellis, he is to answer to them.  Mr. Ellis does not have authority to hire and/or fire anyone; this must go before the Selecboard prior to any type of action being made.
6:30 – Road Foreman, Joe Ellis –
Beaver – Mr. Ellis discussed there is a problem on Cornwell Road & Miner Road with beavers – he would like to contact Fish & Game to have them trapped.  Permission from landowners must be granted prior to removing the beavers.  Selectmen authorized a letter to be sent to the property owners of the land located on Cornwell & Miner Road where beavers are causing problems.  Upon written permission from the landowners, Fish & Game is to be contacted requesting beavers trapped and relocated
Overtime – Chairman Day discussed she would like to see the highway crew take a couple days off rather than to continue to have overtime without prior authorization.  Discussion followed regarding having the expenses of the previous storm, which would cover overtime, included in the FEMA application.  
7:00 – Chairwoman Day excused herself, as she had another meeting to attend

Approval of minutes:
Minutes – Selectmen approved the August 27, 2009 minutes as written.
Sign Documents:
Accounts Payable – Selectmen approved A/P invoices
Payroll – Selectmen approved P/R for the week ending 08-30-09
Old Business:
Wood Kiln – As was instructed, Administrative Assistant contacted Henniker assessing, they have two kilns in their town, and they are assessed as buildings, not equipment.  The property cards for these kilns are available for review.  Administrative Assistant was instructed to prepare a letter New England Forest Products explaining it is most likely the wood kiln they would like to install would be assessed as a building as well.
Site Plan Reviews – Selectman Adams reported, Code Officer Peter Hopkins indicated he was not aware of one of the businesses that have not had site plan review.  Hopkins would like to go through the Spirit and have all the business that have not gone through site plan review come in and discuss their business and the process for site plan review.
Gravel – Selectman Adams reported that due to a sensitive situation with the family, he has not reached out to the family for this gravel proposition.  Adams will reach out to the daughter at a later date.
Tree bids- the invitation to bid was in the local paper this week.  Town Forester, Karla Allen cannot be present for the showing on the 8th, she requested that Road Foreman, Joe Ellis do the showing.  Selectmen approved this request.  Mr. Ellis stated he would get the GPS map to the Administrative Assistant to be included with the bid sheet.  It was also discussed; there is no height restriction on the tree hangers.
Zephyr Lake – Administrative Assistant reported to the Selectmen Zephyr Lake is 35 acres.
UNH Courses – Administrative Assistant has the UNH course schedule available for Jeff Tarr & Gabe Robertson, both would like to take the Road Scholar classes.
New business:
Mail – Selectmen reviewed the miscellaneous incoming mail
Budgets – Selectmen reviewed the year-to-date budgets; monthly highway and projected highway budgets were reviewed.  Selectmen discussed the Library discontinuing their monthly shipment of books; this would save a significant amount of money.  Library Trustees will be invited to the next meeting to discuss this.

Beach update – Administrative Assistant updated the Board with the on goings of Sunset & Zephyr Lakes throughout the summer.  August 30th there was an end of summer meeting with the lifeguards and the following was discussed:
  • Swim Lessons - Swim Lessons went well, however, the lifeguards think even a small charge for lessons is important, it makes the parents be more committed.
  • Non-residents - Monitoring of the residents vs. non-residents must be implemented in 2010, as it was out of control on some days.  Several out of town families took advantage of Sunset Lake during the summer, as did many campers from the State Park.  More police monitoring, mandatory resident stickers, out of town stickers for a charge and other options were discussed.  This will be discussed again before the beach opens in 2010.
  • Non-residents - The same problem also took place at Zephyr Lake with increased trash, and non-residents utilizing the beach.
  • Lifeguard shed - Upgrades to the lifeguard shed are needed, Administrative Assistant to discuss these improvements with Matt Blanchard.
  • Vending machines – This worked very well, with the couple exceptions of times that someone jammed chips into the money slot.
  • Bathhouse – Lifeguards discussed the need for a bathhouse to be built for 2010, changing in the port a potties just wasn’t ok.
  • Brush – The overgrowth & brush will be removed from the waters edge to make more beach area.
  • Beach Sand - DES application to add new beach sand will be applied for; upon approval will be applied next spring.  John Hanson offered to help out and do the dirt work, he did the work at Cunningham pond in Peterborough and is familiar with the process and what is required.
  • E-coli – Zephyr Lake had a week where the beach needed to be closed, otherwise both Sunset & Zephyr did well with this issue.  As in the past, weekly monitoring was done.
  • Lifeguards – Lifeguards recommended there be two lifeguards on duty between 11:00 – 5:00, also recommended possibly having a lifeguard at least one day per week at Zephyr.  This, and additional police presence,  might help deter non-residents.  This will be discussed more as the 2010 season approaches.
  • 2010 season - Both Forrest & Kaitlynn expressed a desire to return next year as lifeguards, Andrew isn’t sure what he will be doing next summer.
Reports: Administrative Assistant provided the Board with reports on the Playground at Oak Park, as well as, thermal imaging report for the Library & Meeting House.  Discussion followed.
Motion by Kullgren to remove the climber immediately as recommended by said the report provided by NH Local Government Center, as this climber has potential for serious injury.  Seconded by Selectman Adams.  Voted 2-0 – Chairwoman Day was not present.  
Decision: Administrative Assistant to provide Matt Blanchard a copy of the report and have him begin to fix all matters that can be readily addressed.  Administrative Assistant to contact the Highway and have them remove the climber.
Mountaineers – Administrative Assistant presented the Board with a written update from the Mountaineers as what has happened at the park to date.  Administrative Assistant to contact Corporal Roberge and get a written statement as to his opinion regarding the noise.
Capital Reserve Fund – The question was asked if the Board is going to hold an informational night before setting up the CRF for the payment of the thermal imaging, it was further discussed in an effort to keep funds in the general fund only utilizing $1,000.00 initially.  
After discussion the Board will include the informational night at a regular business meeting, most likely on the 17th.  Kullgren and Adams agree that $1,000.00 to set the fund up, the remaining $9,000.00 to be placed in the account before years end.
Request for Proposals – Discussion followed, Administrative Assistant to prepare RFP’s for Assessing, Legal  & Auditing services.  They will be in DRAFT form for the next meeting, at which time the Board will make any changes and they will then be mailed out accordingly.
Adjournment:  With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.  The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 6:00 at the Town Office Meeting Room.

Respectfully Submitted,
Debra Davidson, Administrative Assistant